Thursday, April 12, 2012

still advocating

So, I am still struggling to find the words to spur people into action. I told myself that I would simply focus on my presentation to the Priest on April 18th, but I just cannot leave well enough alone.

There are a couple of things I feel I need to address. First of all, I still cannot get my head around the type of person that can ignore the plight of these children!


Boy, Born October 27, 2008
If I cannot fathom the person that can close thier heart to these children, then it is just from OUTER SPACE that someone has the cajones to insult those that are willing to bring these children into their homes. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???? It is just unreal.
There are so many excuses that keep people from committing to the plight of orphans. . .. and I am sorry but they are all SO LAME.
The comment that there will always be orphans. . . .that the situation will never change. Well, people that say that and do NOTHING ensure that the situation will never change. Those people are just as responsible for the plight of these kiddos. Choosing to ignore them is making them unloved all over again.
Yes, there will likely always be orphans. . .and there will always be dishes to wash and floors to scrub. Does this mean that I can simply stop washing the dishes? Throw up my hands in defeat because no matter what I do, there will always be more dishes to wash? Of course not. This excuse is nuts.
There are families stepping forward to adopt. .. numerous times. A small number of families adopting again and again . .. . doing all they can to improve the lives of these lovely children. They are HEROS. And yet they are doing what we ALL should be doing. As christians. .. as members of the human race, we should take care of these precious lives.
I find the stories of these EXTRAORDINARY yet ordinary families to be so uplifting. I want to do all I can to see these efforts to fruition. We all should want to participate in this miracle of adoption.
I urge you, no I beg you to read and join in!  Be part of the solution! I hope that my family has the good fortune of being on this list soon!