Thursday, June 19, 2014

Strawberry Fields Forever

I took all three boys strawberry picking today. (Okay, I wrote this two weeks ago but I was convinced that I could never make sense out of this post. . .and nearly trashed it tonight. Instead I decided to simply post it.) Yup. I thought it would be fun. That the boys would LOVE picking the red juicy berries and that Opie would surely sleep quietly in the stroller while we engaged in this activity.

To anyone with a functioning mind. .. I can hear you laughing.

The boys DID love being out at the farm though picking berries was apparently low on their to-do list. Opie had no intentions of lowering the ear splitting volume of his cries, let alone sleeping. I furiously worked to keep my sense of humor and a modicum of control over the situation as I quickly tried to fill our bowls with berries. Faster, Becki! FASTER! MUST. FILL. THESE. BOWLS!!!

I giggled to myself at one point, looking up to the gorgeous blue sky when a smiling face caught my eye. It was the Ukrainian woman (and her husband) that Evan and I encountered at the Social Security Office the week after we arrived home with him. We started talking about Ukraine and Evan's language retention or lack thereof. Another Russian speaking woman overheard us and came over with a bucket of berries, offering to help the boys fill their bowls.

Needless to say the boys were thrilled! After expressing their exuberant gratitude, they promptly sat down in the dirt and began eating the berries. Mmm...kindness IS delicious!

Despite the company I brought with me, I find picking berries to be soothing. There is really something very basic and grounded about the activity of picking fruit. So in the midst of the chaos of my kids, picking fruit gave my brain a chance to filter through the myriad of experiences and thoughts that have been banging around in my head.

As I sorted through the lush green strawberry bushes, taking care to avoid the overripe, mushy berries, ignoring the unripe while searching for the best berries a correlation began forming in my brain.

I spend a lot of time examining myself and the manner in which I parent. I focus a fair amount of attention to things I would like to change about my parenting, looking at habits and hang ups. In short, I really apply myself to parenting. .in trying to be the best parent that I can be for my children and brutally whip myself when I fail to measure up.  I take my job seriously and at times, can be really hard on myself, focusing on my short comings and negative thoughts. Which though not unwarranted might be counterproductive.

Instead, I need to take a deep breath, square my shoulders and search through the underbrush, avoiding the qualities that are mushy and over done, giving good qualities that are not yet ripe the chance to grow and ripen to their fullest; without rushing them. I am not good at everything. I am simply not. I should focus on the skills, qualities and tendencies that are lush and ripe for the picking.
Photo via Visual hunt

The good fruit.

Fill my basket with those. Take care to leave the undesirable fruit and the unripe fruit behind. This must be a conscious effort.

Wash that good fruit off, offer that to my kids and enjoy.

This must be a conscious effort of quality over quantity. If you simply focus on filling that basket, you will include more mushy, rotten and bright green berries than you ever intended. Thus making your children the sorters, trying to figure out the good and the bad. That is not your child's job.

There is no need to give credence to "I am the way I am, take it or leave it" mentality. Perhaps "good enough" is a cop out. Much good can come from focusing on the positive attributes that you bring to the table. Holding yourself accountable while giving yourself time to grow and ripen. All the while keeping your sense of humor while you forage around to find those qualities. They will be there and they might surprise you.

If you take the time, do the work...the outcome will be fruitful and delicious. Your children will thank you. Maybe not immediately, or with words. ..but they will thank you!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Racing the Clock

It's been about 2 weeks of  our Frozen Doll giveaway. We are now $5385 away from Brett's family committing and time is certainly ticking. We are making progress but we have just a few weeks to raise this sum. Read here, here and here to get up to speed on this endeavor.

Photo credit: The U.S. National Archives via Visual hunt / No known copyright restrictions

To assist in this fundraising I am hosting a final Frozen Doll giveaway.

Meet Toddler Elsa and Anna! They are joining forces to help Brett get home with his family.

To bring this tiny bit of royalty to your home. . AND help Brett get to his, here is what you have to do:


$5 = 1 entry
$10 = 2 entries
$20 = 6 entries


Sharing on facebook or twitter will get you an entry as well. One entry per day for sharing.

I will draw a winner on Friday the 13th at 630 PST.

Here's the backstory. 

Brett, dear Brett was abandoned by his birth mother. He has CP but despite this he is learning to walk. From his Reece's Rainbow profile: Brett is very smart and curious. He has some learning and language delays associated with institutional life, but he does speak in complete phrases around people he trusts. 
He enjoys cars, coloring and games. He got very excited when we showed him pictures of dogs and other animals, so he might do well with pets. 

The family hoping to add Brett to their adoption is experienced with institutionalized behaviors and CP. They would be such a blessing for Brett!

I just know that he just needs the love of a family to flourish and grow. He simply glows and I would love to see him with his family! 
I love this picture, taken just a month ago. Look at him go! 

Let's not let this little gem down! 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Frozen Recap!

Okay! I just want to bring everyone up to speed. We have ONE item left in this giveaway and it will go live starting Monday June 9th at 8 AM EST. I will draw the winner on Friday at 7PM EST.

Brett's grant is growing, PRAISE GOD and thank you to all who have entered and donated to Brett's rescue fund! His prospective family is eager to see his grant at 14k so they can afford to add him to their adoption.

$5402 stand between Brett and a family.

A mere $5402

 The following dollies have found new homes:

The Round 3 winner was Elizabeth K!

Amy A scored these two beauties in round 2!

Round 1 went to Jessica C and she kindly sold it to Lisa to further benefit Brett's fund!

The final installment of this fundraiser involves these 2 cuties! 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Ding, Ding! Round 3!

Okay! We are half way through our Frozen Giveaway Extravaganza! Let's catch our breath and remember what we are doing and why we are doing it!

In a word: LOVE.

And for Elsa....

Oh, and dear Brett.

This little boy has a piece of my heart. I wanted to adopt him but husband was not on board. I was thrilled in 2012 when a family came forward to adopt him and I was devastated when they returned him to the orphanage after they adopted him. I know that they had their reasons and this is in no way a judgement of them, but my heart broke for the little boy that was left behind again. His little heart. How confused and alone he must have felt.

But a family that recently saw him says he still glows. This resilient little boy.  He still looks with excitement to visitors and tries to speak with them. His light still shines brightly. He still needs family. A chance to really settle, adjust and grow.

That is worth fighting for!

There is a family waiting in the wings for Brett. They would love to add him to their adoption. They see his worth, they are well equipped to help him adjust! Let's bring them together!

With a little help from our Frozen friends, we can make this dream live. We CAN!

I will not rest until that happens. . .

The  party  was started with Elsa! Sweet Toddler Elsa! And Jessica Cooper won this just for sharing the giveaway. . .so SHARING IS CARING! And can be very profitable!
Amy Bullock Abeid is the proud new owner of these two beauties!


Which means.....up next. . .Queen Elsa. In her sparkly snow gown!

***Pictures have been removed*****

To bring Queen Elsa to your home. . AND help Brett get to his, here is what you have to do:


$5 = 1 entry
$10 = 2 entries
$20 = 6 entries


Sharing on facebook or twitter will get you an entry as well. One entry per day for sharing.

I will draw a name when we have had 175 entries or as needed.

Remember, you must comment here or on my facebook post with your name and entry to be counted.

The following dolls will also be available in the following days/weeks. I am doing this one at a time.

****Pictures have been removed*****

I THANK YOU!! Brett thanks you!