Sunday, June 10, 2012


It has only been 5 days since my last post. Only five? It seems far longer, for me anyways.

It has been a busy 5 days! Our adoption grant has grown due to the loving and generous support of some truly awesome people. What blessings! We are waiting on our home study appointment and are feverishly working to chase paper (often in circles) and make all the correct appointments and get all the right stamps. We went to the Notary with a CHUNK of documents, Eli in tow. Trying to notarize and wrangle a 2 year old is a recipe for frustration but we got through it with only a few documents being rendered unusable. . .the notary was SUPER nice but seemed to suffer from Parkinson's and we knew we would have to return with reprinted documents. I watched my husband like a hawk to make sure he put the correct date on each and every document. Repeating the date out loud each time he went to sign .. . .

With our free time in the evening, we scanned all those documents off and sent them for approval. YAY! Checking items off the list. . really working to expedite this adoption. What do you know, our lovely notary messed up. On. Every. Single. Document. NOTHING ticked off my list. Starting over. Now I know exactly what to look for and what to watch for . . . .I am happy that the kinks are getting worked out at the beginning of the process but it was still a little blow.

I had a brave Anonymous soul comment on my blog yesterday as well. I am unsure if I am going to post it on here since it was not nice, supportive or concerned at all with the well being of the sweet little children waiting for families. Which brings me to my next topic: Lynette.

Oh dear sweet girl. She looks so shy and timid doesn't she. She looks like it would take her a little time to warm up to you but then she would never be far from your side, eager to hug and hold your hand. What a tiny, lovely, dear little bird.
Lynette passed away recently. Eleven years old. Never held, hugged, loved, treasured. Her life was spent in a crib. Waiting. Hungry. Neglected. Forgotten. Without Reece's Rainbow I would have never even known about Lynnette. Ignorant of the plight of these sweet children. I mourn her. I know she is in an infinitely better place but I fear the world failed her. We heard her cries and failed to respond. The world has lost a lovely, lovely child. Only continued advocacy and love can change the lives of these children.

I know I sing about all the wonderful work done through Reece's Rainbow but it really is amazing. I just heard that the Ukraine has posted Reece's Rainbow Adoption posters in their Official Offices. This is incredible! Read more about this here. The more people that see these lovely children, the more likely it is that they will find families. Truth is spreading and only good can come of it! Please pray that God continues to stir hearts for adoption.

I spent a little time counting the other day. I may be a number or two off but LOOK!

73 children home in 2012 so far.
74 traveling families right now
71 almost there
43 compiling dossiers
31 homestudy in progress
+33 new commitments 
=325 children that will not be left as orphans!!!

Huge hugs and thanks to those supporting our adoption with prayer and donations, encouragement and love.  It is truly appreciated! Please continue to pray for orphans!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying that your paperwork will go smoothly & correctly!!
