Friday, April 11, 2014

Slugs and Snails

About a month ago, my lovely sister in law sent me tights. For my son. I giggled at first remembering how novel it was to see Evan in tights when we would visit him at the orphanage. Granted, Evan would often sport tights in really boyish colors like pink and pastel purple. Despite this, when I got home, I had regrets that I had not purchased some tights while in Ukraine. 
Making quite the fashion statement!

The tights that my sister in law sent were adorable. Made by an Irish Company called Slugs and Snails, these tights are incredibly soft and cozy. Thick but not excessively so. The first time I put them on Pookie I knew they would be a staple in this wardrobe. He wore that pair two days in a row and I knew I needed to purchase more. 

These are much more practical than socks right now. Socks last an average of 23 minutes on Opie. He takes them off and chews on them, they land on the floor where ever we happen to be. Quite a hassle, to be honest. Now that I have these tights, it is less of a hassle. Anything that makes life even the slightest bit easier is a WIN! 
This first pair has seen loads of wear and washing. They are as cozy as ever and are standing up to all the crawling that Pookie is doing in them. with minor pilling.  If you are not opposed to boys in tights, I highly recommend these. They can be found at:

We're boys! We're boys in tights! 

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