Thursday, August 30, 2012

Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---
I am a hit or miss sort of gal. Sometimes things go well, other times I crash and burn. I cannot seem to find the happy medium. This evening was a crash and burn sort of evening, I hope that my quick takes does not go up in flames as well. I will sum up my evening with this: I thought I should decline the invite to watch my nephew run in his race tonight. Instead I went. Saw loads of people that I knew. ..YAY... until 10 minutes into chatting I realized my fly was down. Not just a little bit. . completely open. Yup. *hang my head*
--- 2 ---
I had my 80s party fundraiser. If the goal was to raise the level of fun in my life, then the party was a MASSIVE success. YES, I will get around to posting photos. People really got into the spirit of things and the night was so fun. SADLY my shoes were not in the party mood...The blisters are healing but I swear my toenail is hanging on for dear life. . .painfully hanging on. Sigh. During flip flop season, my beloved flip flop season. I spend way too much time wondering if and when it will just fall off. I didnt even know that a few hours in torturous shoes could do that. So, the party was fun AND I learned something new.

--- 3 ---
My giveaway is still going. It has been extended, out of the goodness of my heart, of course. I do not want to deprive anyone the opportunity to win an awesome vacation or a Kindle Fire, which you may not be able to find anywhere else. How can you NOT enter?

--- 4 ---
I got a new phone almost 2 weeks ago. It had to be done. My blackberry would reboot mid phone call. That was a little irritating, but when it started shutting down WHILE I was messaging someone on facebook, I knew it was time to part ways. My new phone thinks it is smarter than me. It attempts to predict what I am trying to say. I am tired of correcting it, so now I send the messages that my phone KNOWS I need to send. I was thrilled to learn that all these years I should have been saying that my Grandmother is UkrainJuan. My bad. Lesson learned.

--- 5 ---
I have the cutest picture of Eli showing how excited he is to be a big brother and I cannot load it. Clocking. .. clocking....clocking. UGH. I will revisit this. We have been having some great conversations about the changes we are expecting in the near future. Eli has some real concerns. ..."He will not eat my dinner, Mama?!?" "He will not play with my toys, Mama. He will play with his toys." But he showed me how he wanted to hold his baby brother, using his teddy bear to demonstrate. When I clarified, "that is how you will hold your brother?" "Yes Mama, I want to, but he will run away." Sweetness. I love my son. 

--- 6 ---
I misspelled potatoes today. It totally didnt phase me. Is my "smart phone" making me dumberer?

--- 7 ---
Meet Ralph Spiccoli. He is a darling, sweet little boy that has a matching grant.  .he is only $295 away from meeting it. ..HINT HINT!

Ralph 15H

Date of Birth: January 2007
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: light brown
Character: sociable
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
What a handsome little boy!   He is already 5 and has likely been transferred to the institution already.  Further information will not be available about him until a family’s dossier is registered.  Don’t let him become a statistic!  He deserves a family and a future of his own.
Great region to adopt from, larger families and single moms welcome!
Ralph has a matching grant!  All donations will be matched up to $1000 until September 10! 
$705.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Obviously, everyone is UkrainJuan.

    A KINDLE FIRE? Wow, I've never seen those in the stores. I'm not sure how you got something so rare. I hope I win. I do NOT want the vacation though. If I win that, don't tell me. lol

    Your son is so awesome.


    1. Kara. .as always you make me giggle. Thank you. Next week. . .I WILL WIN AGAIN! You just wait. You may best me in Words with friends...but this...this I can win! hahah

  2. I love reading your posts....they make me smile. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  3. Your posts are great!

    1. Oh thank you very much! I LOVE hearing that!
