Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Seconds, mere seconds

Time is a commodity I no longer have much of. Same story for brain cells. Adoption can be all consuming. I apologize for not updating as frequently and I would like.

We are nearly there. .. nearly. I am starting to have those awesome dreams that indicate something BIG is happening in your life. The fun dreams., yeah you know them. When you are talking to a friend or your spouse and spontaneously your teeth start falling out. In droves. More teeth than could possibly fit in the average mouth, cascading out like a slot machine... awesome. I like to look at the bright side. .. having dreams/nightmares means I am actually sleeping long enough to dream. This doesn't happen much these days.

But. ..we are nearly there. I get butterflies just thinking about it. SQUUUEEEEEEE!

So, on to begging. Look at Ralph. What a cutie. . .5 years old. Struggling to survive in a mental institution. I have a donor willing to offer a matching grant up to $1000. YES! $1000! He could have a grant for $2000! Surely that will catch someone's eye .. he needs to be rescued and cherished for the rest of his life! Help me make that happen for Ralph!

Ralph 15H

Date of Birth: January 2007
Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown
Hair: light brown
Character: sociable
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
What a handsome little boy!   He is already 5 and has likely been transferred to the institution already.  Further information will not be available about him until a family’s dossier is registered.  Don’t let him become a statistic!  He deserves a family and a future of his own.
Great region to adopt from, larger families and single moms welcome!
$100.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

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