Friday, August 3, 2012

My version of quick takes. . .

I am working up to seven so I can play with the big kids.. .baby steps for me.


How is it that I can go to the same person, with the same picture and the same head and walk out with a DIFFERENT haircut every single time? What in the world am I doing wrong? I am about to pull a Sinead O'Conner. . .

Painting with my son used to be SO fun! Oh, the colors and the shapes, so pretty. They always had a place on the fridge or the wall. Recently, he prefers to mix all of the colors together to create this beautiful poop color. . .. I am sorry but I just dont want to hang that anywhere. Surely I am offending an artist somewhere, but I just miss colors. .. .plural.

I am eagerly awaiting for the very last piece of paper for our adoption. . .before the real waiting game begins. BRING IT ON!!! We are ready!
Ralph and Oliver have matching grants. ..haven't you always wanted to double your money?? Make it go twice as far? Ask and ye shall receive! Every single dollar you donate to one of these boys will magically turn into 2. DO IT! It is amazing to participate in!



I am on strike today. I am not making dinner tonight. I didnt make dinner last night either. I went to bed at 5:30. .. . and YES! I say that with pride. I might do it again tonight! Sleep, my dear friend, I am so sorry I have been neglecting you. I will try to make up for lost time. .. .if you let me.


Angels are everywhere. It is amazing when they pop in and save the day! Thank you to the angels that came to our rescue today. . ..MUCH APPRECIATED! Enjoy your weekend everyone!


  1. Yay for quick takes.

    My kids do the poop paintings too. Ugh.

    1. Now if only I could get this ready in time next week, eh?

  2. I think #1 would be more like pulling a Britney Spears. I'm quite certain Sinead was going for the look, not going mental!
    #2 It will pass, my 10 yr old painted a parrot for his annual "art show" and auction. It was gorgeous with many beautiful colors. ( and yes, we get to pay for the art we help our children make!)
    #3&4 I love your life's mission for these kids and your journey through the adoption process! It was all worth it for us as I know it will be for you. Constant prayers your way.
    #5 I hear you. Sleep is my new best friend. I may have infected hernia mesh from the surgery 2 months ago. So have been in and out of sleep/ fever awaiting news of when/if my next surgery will be.
    #6 They are what keep me going. All the people who are there to help us in crises or even silly little toils. We make life easier for each other, and I agree they are much appreciated!
    Sorry for the longest comment in the world, but your "quick takes" got me thinking!!

    1. Alecia, THANK YOU! I love comments. .as long as they are nice! Sorry to hear about your health. I will be praying for your recovery!
      The hair--- perhaps if I brought in a picture of Sinead. .. my hairdresser would be unable to misunderstand. hahah. I could never pull that look off. .. I would look like the moon. NO BUENO. Besides, after my last haircut oops, Gavin made a new rule. .. I could do whatever I wanted with my hair, as long as it was longer than his... hahah.
      Let me know if there is anything I can do for you while you recover. . .I know I am not so close. ..but I am willing! Let me know!

    2. Thanks for the offer, but I have my own three angels that take really good care of me! Other than health, I don't lack much for happiness. BTW, I read most of your posts and love them! You are an engaging writer and, the funny, fun person you are shines through any misspelled words. (Really? People have time for that?)Sheesh... Rock on my friend!

    3. Misspelled words?? MOI? *GASP!*

  3. Dude going to ned at dinner time is the best. I did that last week. I should've done it tonight! I love his poop drawing. I live in a world where everyis pink and purple!

    1. Brenda, I am not familiar with Ned, but if it/he is as awesome as going to bed before Jeopardy. ..then perhaps I should be acquainted??
      Teasing you.


  4. Hi! Just saying hi...cause you're awesome. :)

    1. Whining. .. WE MISS YOU! haha. I mailed off my last form today. . .TADA! Can you believe it? ME NEITHER!

  5. Hey, I am only a very TINY bit jealous. Bwahahah. Very! jealous about the sleep.
    My kids don't really get the painting thing or maybe I just never have done it... hmmm.
    See you Saturday??

    1. Hey! I will stop by the fundraiser super early Saturday, I have a birthday party to attend on Saturday that is a bit out of the way. I love that you are coming up and I will have all of your loot for you!
