Waiting Children


Guardian AngelBrett 2013 (1)Boy, born September 2007
Brett is a handsome young man who was born with CP.  He is very smart, he gets around on his own by crawling, but he is not able to walk.  Therapy will do wonders for him!   He deserves to have a family!
From a volunteer who knows him:   He plays with other children. He speaks with separate words. He understands the addressed speech. The boy is curious, likes classes. He loves when his nurse reads for him, he likes making pyramids.
Brett 2013
Update December 2012:Brett is very smart and curious. He has some learning and language delays associated with institutional life, but he does speak in complete phrases around people he trusts. He enjoys cars, coloring, and games. He got very excited when we showed him pictures of dogs and other animals, so he might do well with pets.
A family considering adopting him should be prepared to deal with some institutional behaviors and traumas. This is the area where Brett might need the most assistance in understanding rules, family, and nurturing relationships.His physical disability limits his lower body, specifically his legs and feet, but he is very strong in the upper body and crawls very quickly.  He is a very active kid who needs some physical therapy, appropriate equipment, and perhaps braces to get where he needs to for walking. He is able to pull himself to standing. The orphanage has worked with him on potty training and he seems to be doing well with it.

More photos available, married couples only.

$7612.80 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


JakeBoy, Born February 2003Jake-2
Down syndrome

Jake was born in February 2003 with Down syndrome.  He is a happy young man who loves animals and can talk about them for hours, especially about cats.   Jake can understand English and loves music and to sing!   Songs that have hand motions are his very favorite. He enjoys puzzles, books and Legos!   Please give Jake a chance!


$807.80 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


Murray (2)Murray (2)Boy, born August 2001
Isn’t he handsome!

Murray is in the same orphanage with several other available children.  Interested and approved families could adopt multiple children together.

From a family who met him in late 2013:
Murray is one of our daughter’s best friends, and she SO wants him to have a family! She says, “Murray is smart, very nice, very handsome, and he is a good dancer. He is a good English student, and he has many friends. He is funny and hardworking.”Murray (3)
We spent many, many hours with Murray (and all of the kids from Orphanage 60), and Murray was DEFINITELY one of our favorites. He is so sweet, so much fun, so wonderful! Murray loved using my camera while we were there. Every time I brought my camera, he wanted to take photos, and many of his photos turned out very well. He helps all of the kids in his class with their homework — this kid is SMART! He is very organized and loved helping us and the orphanage workers. His English isn’t good, but it’s better than any of the other kids in his class, so I know he’ll excel in his English once he’s in America and getting good English lessons. He was playful and loved spending time with us. I miss him terribly now that we’re home, and I want him to have a family just as much as our daughter does!
We have hundreds of photos and videos of Murray, not to mention stories of our time with him. If you or anyone you know is interested in bringing the most amazing boy you’ll ever meet into your family as your beloved son, please contact me. I want to find this guy his forever home!
$300.85 is available towards the cost of my adoption!


Luke LucasBoy, born October 2010
Lucas is a precious little boy who has been diagnosed with Congenital Heart Defect. He has received a Glen Operation and has recovered well from the operation. Because of the complexity of his diagnosis, Luke will likely need another operation after he turns 5.
When Luke came to the orphanage, he was also showing signs of developmental delays. After the operation, he has shown significant improvements in development. Luke is active, energetic, talkative and extroverted. He smiles often, gets along well with others, and enjoys listening to music and singing. Luke was also sponsored by an American advocacy group that provides children with additional therapy and nurturing to help them develop to their full potential.
$911.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

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