Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lookie Cookie! Can I join the party?

--- 1 ---
 I am blushing and grinning with pride. .. I get to join the big girl party today! I feel like I did when I got my ears pierced. Big thank you to Kara for helping me get sorted and for basically being all SORTS of awesome! (No she did not pay me to say that.. .but she can if she wants's for Pasha Kara. .. how can you resist?)

--- 2 ---
Not only did our final document make it to Pasha's country today, we are ready to be submitted next week, which is flipping incredible. . ..That I did not grossly mess up any of the forms is seriously a miracle. I am trying desperately to remember who I was asking intercession from. .. because this could qualify as a miracle! Not kidding!
I am beside myself with excitement. .. God willing VERY soon I will get to meet the sweetest little guy. . .. here come the tears again.
--- 3 ---
So, that being said...our adoption is flying and we still have about $5800 left to raise and to help bridge that gap we have a giveaway that starts TODAY! Bring it on! There is a 7 day time share up for grabs, ANYWHERE there is availability .. .the sky is the limit here! If that doesn't fit the bill, there is also a Kindle Fire up for grabs. .. really go check it out! As soon as I win my Ipad from one of the other giveaways. . .I may add that to the giveaway as well.. . .you will just have to check back often!
--- 4 ---
My 2.5 year old refused to eat dinner tonight. I refused to make him something else. If he had his way, he would live on plain noodles. .. .it has to stop! He is currently in bed refusing to sleep. Calgon?? Take me away?
--- 5 ---
I have a $17 dollar rebate to Costco (earned from my purchases last year.) This blasted certificate has been in my purse for approximately TOO MANY months. .. it is becoming soft and crumpled with the abuse it receives in my purse. I have been to Costco a shocking number of times since receiving this rebate. .. . I went to Costco this morning. As I walked in, I told Eli, "today Mama is going to remember to use her rebate! Isn't she?!?!" Well, she didn't. It is like I walk past the Keurig and my memory is wiped clean. . .I spend the rest of my visit desperately trying not to spend $500 and I completely forget that $17 rebate.  Failure.
--- 6 ---
FOOTBALL!  GO STEELERS! WAY TO START PRE-SEASON WITH A LOSS! Preparing Steeler fans everywhere for a season of last minute disappointment?? And yet, I cannot help but love them. ..looking forward to watching Polamalu dominate!
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Did I mention that my 2.5 year old is refusing to sleep? I have had the joy of getting up approximately 6 times now. . .it is hard to complete a thought that way! Oh, will the fun ever end? It's a good thing he is cute!

 I am super excited to finally get it together enough to participate in Quick Takes!!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. LOL The flowers...

    Your sweet boy reminded you and you still forgot. That's so funny, and so totally something I would do.

    So happy you joined the partayyyy!

  2. Welcome! I'm thrilled to have you joining us! What a great addition your post made. I'm excited to learn about your little boy, and will keep you all in my prayers. So nice to "meet" you!
