Friday, August 3, 2012

Feeding sheep

 When they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?' He answered, 'Yes, Lord, you know I love you.' Jesus said to him, 'Feed my lambs.'
16 A second time he said to him, 'Simon son of John, do you love me?' He replied, 'Yes, Lord, you know I love you.' Jesus said to him, 'Look after my sheep.'
17 Then he said to him a third time, 'Simon son of John, do you love me?' Peter was hurt that he asked him a third time, 'Do you love me?' and said, 'Lord, you know everything; you know I love you.' Jesus said to him, 'Feed my sheep.

Oh, I whimper on and on about adoption brain and the paperchase. . .the stress. SHAME ON ME! I apologize, heartily. I am thrilled as heck to be on this journey. I am humbled and excited by the gift at the end of this journey. I seriously could jump out of my skin with how eager I am to meet this child. .. . to love him for the rest of my life. 

Despite my exhaustion and stress. . .I have met a number of people that seriously follow the Bible passage above. I have been tended, and well fed by the love and support that seems to effortlessly flow from these amazing people. 

I would like to publicly thank a number of these people right now. . .because I personally think that feeling appreciated NEVER gets old. ... and I truly appreciate so many people!

Annie T- serious thank yous for all of your auction expertise. You blew my mind!! And really I am sure there are  oodles of future thank you's headed your way because of your supreme awesomeness. 

Kara M- you make me laugh almost every day.  .you boost me and encourage me when I need it the most. You join me in tears. . . .Your prayers and friendship are really, really appreciated! Thank you for shouting with me and introducing me to Twitter! I don't know how I ever got through the day without a dose of your humor. . .. NOW GET ME SOME COFFEE!!!!! Please?

Kim J- Your willingness to step up to help anyone. .. your fierce love and commitment to your faith and these children is amazing. Opening your home to the OARR group was incredible and the results are boggling my mind. Your family is precious and I am thrilled to see where God is going to lead you all! Thank you for your friendship and your support! 

Amy B- You could be my sister! We are drawn to the same children and have a similar sense of humor. Your encouragement and friendship is amazing! Thank you for your prayers and understanding. .. and the next time you are out this way. .. .let's get together!

Leila M-who rallies the troops better than Leila? Who is the first to shout for a family or orphan in need.. . who is willing to speak the truth loudly enough to be shut down by Facebook? You are so brave and inspirational to me. .. .I am thrilled to know you and to witness you in action! Awesome!

Tamarina- From high school years to now... . amazing to still be in touch with you. Thank you for sharing these kids and my fundraisers. Thank you for not turning a deaf ear when I post one too many children.  . .your compassion and generosity are brilliant!

Sylvia -What an example you are of a Mom that will do anything for her children! Your determination, creativity, generosity and tenacity are incredible! Never stop . . .ever. I am sure you get frustrated and discouraged but you are influencing and moving people in ways you will never know. Inspirational! 

Jannie- Across the years and the miles. .. .you are a phenomenal friend. I cannot thank God enough for that fateful meeting in Kenya. .. .who would have known that life long friends would emerge from that experience!! You are so supportive and so lovely. I just adore you and cannot wait to see you again so I can give you a massive hug! LOVE YOU!

Really everyone at CC4RR- you are amazing beyond words. . .your prayers are moving mountains!! 

There are countless others. COUNTLESS others.. ..friends and family that have been amazingly supportive.  YOU HAVE FED AND TENDED ME WELL! I thank GOD for all of you! Pasha will be told about the legions of people that have helped us get him home! What a blessing!
I assure you that hearty thanks will be headed their way soon too!! 


  1. Oh you have me in tears! I am the lucky one to have met you! No thank yous needed!! <3 <3

  2. Awwwwww!!!!! And Becki, I know every one of us could write a tribute to your own beautiful, funny, faithful and loving self!! Hugfest!!!

  3. Oh stop it!!! Hehe, thanks Becki. You are such a gift. I'm so glad we're friends :)

  4. Becki, I am honored to be mentioned on this list. I've always been drawn to the causes of innocents, children and animals mostly, so the journey you have embarked on has struck a deep chord with me.

    We may not share the same religion, but we share the same faith, faith in a better world and that our society can and should create it. You've always had a belief in others and a desire to help, and I've always had SO much respect for you in that.

    But really, I'm doing the easy stuff. Money (especially when shopaholic Tamara gets neat stuff out of it!), links on Facebook, and kind & supportive words are the easy stuff. You & Gavin are doing the difficult stuff. You're on MY list of amazing people!

    P.S. There is no such thing as posting one too many children.
    P.P.S. Go Pats!!! ;)

    1. Oh you had to go and ruin a lovely comment by including the Pats?? You had to? haha. You rock!! The Pats dont. .. but you do.

    2. I knew that would get you. LOL
