Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Napenda Kenya

I got myself all "fired up" last night to start putting some of my Kenyan experiences on here with the grander ambition of starting a book. (DREAMING!) So, I decided to get myself back into those memories by perusing my travel journal. I never journal unless I am traveling, but I am happy to have those memories and thoughts on paper!

My journal was NOT where I thought it would be. It was not in the second most likely place. .. or the third. I was beginning to get frustrated! It could be anywhere! I am afraid I may have stashed it someplace "safe." That will mean that it may end up being lost altogether. NO BUENO! Mbaia sana! Hmmm, how else to say NO GOOD?!?!?


I will eventually start putting Kenya on here, but it may take a little longer than I had planned. Booo Hisss.

I guess that it alright since I have already missed my chance to be one of Oprah's Book Club selections.
(I really am cracking myself up today. Thank you Mr. Coffee!)

I will leave you with a teaser of sorts just to set the stage:

Me: Single. Happy. Carefree. Adventurous to a fault and headed to Kenya for the first time in 2004. I had committed myself to living and working at an HIV Orphanage outside of Nairobi for a little over 3 months. Those who heard about this thought it to be a grand adventure. Those that knew me thought I should be committed.
Rightly so. Though  I had spent many years volunteering at various charities and had obtained my degree in Social Services, I was completely unprepared for the experience ahead. I was blatantly, admittedly not a kid or baby person. I felt like breaking out in hives after a few minutes of attempting to communicate with a child. Diapers were out of the question. Cooing at a baby? Not going to happen.

And yet. . . ..

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