I am committed. Maybe overly so, to the plight of special needs orphans. Please, please, please check out this link. Failing to do so will cause you to miss out on supreme cuteness like this:
Juliette (L)
My commitment is in part due to my recent miscarriage of a down syndrome baby boy. It is in part due to my upbringing (a separate but highly entertaining story.) But it is also in part due to the fact that my husband turns a deaf ear my way on this subject, and therefore I must speak about it twice as much (and twice as loud) in hopes that a little bit of it breaks through. . .yes, I am that person. (Isn't my husband just the luckiest man ever?)
A few weeks back, when I didn't feel like enough people were listening or cared about these children I reached out to a local priest (at 2am) via email. I brought the issues to him and outlined how I thought the parish could help. Well, I have a meeting with him on Wednesday to further discuss the possibility of a new parish mission. YIPPEE!! Right? Well, YES and no.. . see I am not sure that I have the words, the panache, the eloquence to convince him that he REALLY WANTS to support a church mission. I am the bull in the china shop. . .. .really I am so nervous that I will muck this meeting up royally. The last time I attempted something similar on World Mission Sunday, I was to speak during the homily. I lasted 2.5 minutes before slurring into the microphone, "I'ma pathhhh out now." And then I did. My fainting act did bring in 10k that weekend, but still. . .
So, that is where my head and heart are today. Totally. This does not mean that I am neglecting Eli at all, he really wouldn't allow that, but what it does mean is this:
Eli and I went to Wally World today. I never, ever go to Walmart if I can help it. Well, my distracted brain couldn't find a reason to avoid it. . . so we went. They did not have what I went there for. . .epic fail. I did pick something up for myself though. . .
Here's the back story. I never have time to get my haircut. It is ridiculous. I normally choose to wear my hair quite short, which needs upkeep that I never give it. It normally is shoulder length before I find the time to get it back under control. In the interim I simply look ridiculous. I live in headbands and helmet hair. It is lovely. If I take some time to do something with it, it can be passable. . .but really who has the time or motivation? So, I bought myself this:
If this picture is not clear enough, this is the baby sister to the Crimping iron of the 80s. It is supposed to give me lovely wavy hair in under 10 minutes. Okay, so I added the under 10 minutes part, but I thought that this would help me in the ugly grow out phase I am in.
We got home, I fed Eli lunch and I put him down for a nap. I was eager to try out this new contraption. .. so I plugged it in right away.
I ate "lunch" while I waited for it to heat up. My lunch consisted of jelly beans and corn chips.
And then I went to work on my hair. It did make it wavy/kinky pretty quickly, though the end result was frizz. Lovely frizz. I was not sure if the sugar high was clouding my judgement so I stopped the experiment with just the front of my head, threw my headband back on and returned to preparing for my church meeting.
My husband came downstairs as I was still working and still eating corn chips.. .. .he sat down on the couch and said. "uh, you look weird. Deranged really." He laughed hysterically when I showed him the super straight hair still hanging from the back of my head. Really, I am relieved there is no photographic evidence from this experience.
I took a break from researching for my meeting to call and make a hair appointment. I would hate to muck up this meeting before I even have a chance to open my mouth.
See why I need your prayers?? PLEASE PRAY!! God can make this happen. . . .. .
So much is riding on this meeting!
BOY, Born November 26, 2004
I will be praying hard for your meeting! Let God do the talking. He wants these babies out of there and into loving arms.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness...I bought that exact same device a few years ago! It was definitely in the garage sale pile after one use!
ReplyDeletePlease pray for us concerning [adopting] Juliette-I think she's a keeper :) and we need GOD to move some financial mts so that little girlie won't have to be an orphan any longer. Also-will pray for your meeting and GOD's presence. Thanks for advocating for these precious babes!
ReplyDeleteSheri, the sweet Juliette that was just listed?? PRAISE GOD! She is scrumptious! Do you have a blog about it?? I would love to advocate/support and follow!
DeletePraying for that meeting of yours... remember you are an instrustment, just open your mouth & God will provide the words... let us know exactly when & how it went ok?
ReplyDeleteOh, honey, praying!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my. Regardless, you are going to do great. I see your bull in a china cabinet more as passion. You are passionate AND about a good cause, you will do great.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you'll need any prayers about your meeting (you'll do great)...I'll pray for your hair :).
What a friend!! My hair needs the prayers. . while you're at it, please include my butt and thighs. . .they have been suffering under my jelly bean diet. .. Thanks!