Friday, March 30, 2012

This is your mission if you choose to accept it. . . .

1.  The first and the easiest thing you can do is look at Reece's Rainbow. And talk about it. With your friends. You husband. At your church. At the coffee shop. On your Facebook Page. On your blog. In your sleep. Talk about these children as if they matter. . . .because they do! Spread the word!

I am serious about the effectiveness of option #1! I have emailed the local priests asking them to add this mission to their homilies. To be honest, I suggested that each parish "adopt" one child to pray for, collect donations for and advocate for until that child is adopted. . .then "adopt" another one. This work cannot take a day off!! I have also emailed local newspapers and radio stations. The more eyes and hearts that are opened the better. .. .. try it!

2. If that does not  satisfy your need to help (I certainly hope it doesn't) then Pray! You can sign up to be a Prayer Warrior for a specific child or children. It is free and it's effective! Becoming a Prayer Warrior allowed me to join a super secret society of AWESOME people all praying and advocating for these lovely kids.

3. Donate. It doesn't have to be much. Every little bit helps! Collect your loose change. .. you will be surprised what you can come up with! There are also oodles and oodles of fundraisers and charities for these children. I am going to make it super easy on you and list some great options here:

*The Give a Granny program  pays older women to visit and care for one or two children.
*The Caring for Konner Giveaway is raising funds to help cover adoption expenses
* Reece's Rainbow allows you to either donate to specific children or to families in the process of adopting. The stories are really moving!
*Assist in providing medical care to the most neglected children by donating to the Pleven Medical Fund
* Project Hopeful works to advocate for special needs adoptions as well. There is so much information and fundraising on that page, you really just need to check it out!
*You can help purchase new cots through the cwuha

4. If you are flexible and have the funds (then I am super jealous of you) look into volunteering. These children would benefit SO much just from the attention and care you give them. No qualifications necessary, just a desire to love these children. Again, to make it easier on you, I will list some of the volunteer options I have discovered:
*One Heart lists volunteer opportunities. Look into it!
* Volunteer in the Pleven Orphanage! These are short term volunteer placements.  .totally doable and worth the time! Let's work to fill these placements!

There are really not a lot of volunteer organization groups for Bulgaria at the moment. I have emailed the Catholic Medical Mission Board as well as the Catholic Volunteer Network to see if something can be organized.
(will my name begin to be despised?? Who cares. . .here comes another email from yours truly!)
5. Fundraise. Hold a garage sale. Hold an auction. A party with all proceeds going to these children. Though this might take a little work. . .. it could be very fun AND go a long way in paying a ransom for a child. Talk to your friends, your family, your church. With a little bit of teamwork, a lot can be accomplished!

6. Shop! Yup, it can be that easy! There are several etsy shops that fundraise for Reece's Rainbow. Check them out!

I know there are more . .. I have seen them but when I went back to search for this post, I could no longer locate them. If you know the shops, feel free to email me or comment them below!

7. ADOPT! Open your home and your heart to one of these precious children and you will be rewarded many times over. This is the greatest thing you could do for one of these children, for yourself and for your family. I pledge to assist in fundraising and moral support if you are willing and able to take this on. I PROMISE!

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