I am frustrated today. I am so motivated to assist the children of Reece's Rainbow and the families that are working to bring them home. As a stay at home Mama I am not an endless source of cash that I can endlessly send their way, though I want to. I really want to adopt. REALLY. But as one person in a marriage, I cannot make this decision on my own, and the issue of money comes up again.
I know by putting this frustration out there, I am opening myself up to all those people with more faith than I have to say, "if you follow God's plan all will fall into place. Don't fret." Logically I know that, and though I have faith I also have a husband that counts himself a pragmatist. This is how our marriage works. Perhaps that is why opposites attract. That balance is necessary.
So I considered opening a new Etsy shop to advertise and sell some of my crafty creations, but for the work, the return would be so minimal that it would be the tiniest drop in the bucket. I am feeling SO melancholy. How can I assist? I am not satisfied with the donation that I have already made. It all seems toooooo little. Hmmm.
Doing nothing is also not an option. Since I am praying and waiting for the sign that adoption is an option. . . .what to do? I know that praying and donating and putting the children's sweet faces on my facebook page is something but it is not enough for me. I am a roll up my sleeves and dive in sort of person. I literally want to fly over there just to hug and love ALL of these children. It may sound over the top but not outside the realm of possibility. Prior to marriage and baby I would have done just that. . .
Literally open to suggestions!
I seriously can't stand how cute Little Mark is. .. . Can't I just bring him home already?
Mark 31C
Boy, born October 2009
Little Mark has Down syndrome and was born with some heart issues (Atrial Septal Defects, no impairment of circulation), but surgery hasn't been found necessary yet.
Full medical history available.
Mark is usually in good mood. He plays with toys variously, jabbers. He is active.
My heart hears you and echoes the exact same thoughts and emotions. i'm in pretty much the same situation as you. My heart aches for little Heath but hubby has said no, not now or even in the next few years. But i will continue to pray - so don't give up hope... keep praying... i'm also considering the Esty shop idea to raise more for RR. i also have ASD (like little Mark), praying for him... sending you a virtual hug...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment. You are my first!! And from someone in such a similar position. It gives me hope. . .God can work miracles. In HIS own time, which is a difficult pill to swallow sometimes. If and when you get your shop up and running, let me know! I will post the heck out of it on here and my faebook page! I will add your family and Heath to our prayers!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your prayers. Besides waiting upon hubby's heart, we also have the added hurdle of being expats who live outside our home country (makes approval more difficult) and we are not US or Canadian citizens so RR can't help us. It would be a huge miracle if we are able to adopt Heath. i continue to pray - i pray that if we are his family, then let it happen quickly (at least get the process started). If not, then let his forever family find him today.
DeleteWill be praying for u & your family & little Mark.
i will let u know about the Esty shop - trying to make knitted & paper crafts now. Once i have enough, i'll try & set up shop.
Will be posting about fundraising efforts at RR on my blog next week.
have a blessed weekend
PS: this is trippingdifferently but can't seem to post comment from my netbook on Blogspot...