Sunday, September 30, 2012

Baby Steps

I feel like Bill Murray in "What About Bob." Completely. Baby steps to the kitchen, baby steps to the fridge. .. all day long.

Losing Pasha has thrown us off our game. My husband has been traveling SO much lately that we have only had a few moments here and there to sit down and talk about what we will be doing with this adoption process.

After some tense conversations and a lot of prayer, we reached a consensus. We are both terrified. Unsure of our tentative steps, trying to step out in faith, but afraid to let go of the safety railing. You know the feeling.

SO, we are keeping our appointment in country. We have NO idea who we are to adopt, though we both believe that we were led down this path for a reason. So, in 2 weeks, we will be in route to see what God has planned for our family. I personally feel that God is offering us a child, all we have to do at this point is accept it. Why would we turn away from such a gift?

This is an adventure for sure, one that will likely make my hair turn gray over night. We have not stopped praying and likely will not stop until we are home.


  1. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you. Hang in there! Lots of people are praying for you.

  2. Praying for you and Gavin. So excited too see what God has in store for your family. This is going to be one for the memory books for sure!

  3. Hard... but find the joy. God brought you here, and you feel he has a child for you. One lucky couple! And Child!

  4. Praying for you... wishing, hoping & holding my breath along with you... you are brave & will continue to be brave cos you know God is with you always & so am i...

  5. I am praying so hard for you guys.

    God's got this. I am amazed by you both. <3

  6. The "adventure" part that you mentioned... Hang on to that! Life is a HUGE adventure and God wants you to live the adventure to its fullest. I see great, amazing, incredible things ahead. For you, and for some incredibly BLESSED child. Praying for you! You inspire me!

  7. Wow! I understand this must be difficult, but I just can't wait to see what happens. God surely has good plans. Always good. My prayers are with you as you step out in faith.

  8. Wow, Becky!
    I commend you for walking by faith here. I know for many, even myself this would be difficult. But I have to say, I love the example you are setting for all of us. Praying for you and your family.

