If all goes well, our Dossier should be done this week. Well. ..aside from USCIS approval. ..but the majority of our paperwork should be winging it's way half-way across the world. Amazing. Please pray that this is the case, the sooner our paperwork is submitted the sooner we can travel.
It appears that my darling spouse has come to the rescue. ..and our calls to Lazarus will be reinstated. This is AWESOME news. .. so much to share that I just didnt want to share by letter. I love my Kenyan boy and cannot wait until he is old enough to choose to come here!
I am hoping by the end of the week I will have a figure. Hahah, a monetary figure as well as a more svelte figure. .. I will sit down and do some math. See what we have paid, what the rest of this adoption should cost compared to what we have left to fund it. ..so I can put an accurate number on our fundraising needs. I estimate, off the top of my head that we will need approximately 15k, but should be able to eeeeeeeekkkkkk by if we can raise 10k/. Wow.. .that seems daunting. But perhaps when I sit down to crunch the numbers we will only need 9999.95 and that will make me feel better.
Off to start our whirlwind busy week!
10k is nothing. You are a rockstar! We can do thisssss! SO glad you get to talk to Laz <3 when can he come here by choice???