Our poem for Isabelle
The night is dark.
The hours long.
Tummy rumbles….diapers soaked.
Far off moaning
She hears screams
Daylight Breaks
The hours long
Tummy rumbles…diapers soaked.
She chews her wrists, she bangs her head
Tummy rumbles, diapers soaked.
Our valentine girl…you are OUR heart
It’s been too long!
Isabelle was born on Valentines day
She is ten years old and was transferred from her Orphanage to an Adult Institution when she was four. Our valentine girl…you are OUR heart. It’s been too long!
Letter to Milena
Our Sweet Daughter,
Your eyes call to us…we have your picture at our kitchen table….your brothers and sisters talk to you all the time. We hold hands and pray for you at dinner. We our so sad and sorry that you are not well. Our hearts break that there is no one to hold you and snuggle up with you and sing sweet songs to you and give your yummy toes a little tickle, no one to make sure that you are getting all the care you need so you can get BETTER!
Milena, you have not been forgotten, you are loved. Milena, you are perfect just the way God made you. We are coming sweet girl!
Your waiting family
Milena has Down syndrome, she is three years old and weighs only 11 pounds. Her condition is tenuous at best. She desperately needs to come home and receive proper medical care and nutrition.
The Hortons would love any assistance you can provide through prayer, donations and by spreading their cause. Thank you!
Oh I can't wait until those sweet girls are home - and I can love on them!