In a word: LOVE.
And for Elsa....
Oh, and dear Brett.
This little boy has a piece of my heart. I wanted to adopt him but husband was not on board. I was thrilled in 2012 when a family came forward to adopt him and I was devastated when they returned him to the orphanage after they adopted him. I know that they had their reasons and this is in no way a judgement of them, but my heart broke for the little boy that was left behind again. His little heart. How confused and alone he must have felt.
But a family that recently saw him says he still glows. This resilient little boy. He still looks with excitement to visitors and tries to speak with them. His light still shines brightly. He still needs family. A chance to really settle, adjust and grow.
That is worth fighting for!
There is a family waiting in the wings for Brett. They would love to add him to their adoption. They see his worth, they are well equipped to help him adjust! Let's bring them together!
With a little help from our Frozen friends, we can make this dream live. We CAN!
I will not rest until that happens. . .

The party was started with Elsa! Sweet Toddler Elsa! And Jessica Cooper won this just for sharing the giveaway. . .so SHARING IS CARING! And can be very profitable!
Which means.....up next. . .Queen Elsa. In her sparkly snow gown!
To bring Queen Elsa to your home. . AND help Brett get to his, here is what you have to do:
$5 = 1 entry
$10 = 2 entries
$20 = 6 entries
Sharing on facebook or twitter will get you an entry as well. One entry per day for sharing.
I will draw a name when we have had 175 entries or as needed.
Remember, you must comment here or on my facebook post with your name and entry to be counted.
The following dolls will also be available in the following days/weeks. I am doing this one at a time.
I've always liked Brett and enjoy your blog so I donated $20. This is a neat idea!
ReplyDeleteSue - Wisconsin
Sue, THANK YOU so very much!!