Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One week

ONE WEEK! Mr. Man has been home for over a week now and he is amazing me with his intelligence and his sweet nature. For all those concerned about the language barrier, let me assure you, Evan is smarter than his parents already. He understands a LOT of english, though he talks up a storm in Russian, he is communicating with us very effectively.

I am chagrined to inform you all that his very first English word is "bonk." He never fails to say it with a smile after he flings himself onto the floor. .. .precious. Right on the heels of that was the ever important English phrase "Eli, stop!" This can be heard just about anytime of the day, at any number of decibels. He also repeats phrases from the Lightening McQueen car that we have, so it is not uncommon to hear him repeat "I've got to find Mater." Without merely making a list for you, he is picking up English far faster than I had even hoped. He answers most of my questions with Da or Nyet. . .or he hops to comply immediately. It is incredible.

Evan is eating up a storm. .. and drinking SO much liquid, which quickly led us to the discovery that he is definitely not potty trained. DOH! I think in his previous home, he was not trained as they reported but his liquid intake was reduced to limit his need to use the potty. He is a peeing fool. I will revisit potty training when we are both speaking the same language, until then, we are buying stock in Pull-ups.

His first doctor appointment is this week and I am eager to get a handle on that aspect of parenting as well. I want to make sure we are as proactive as can be....as long as it does NOT involve stool samples. That may push me over the edge.

Eli and Evan still play pretty well together, though Eli has decided that sharing is completely overrated. He wants nothing to do with it. Every toy that Evan grabs seems to be the greatest and most desirable toy in the house and Eli must have it, which results in Eli sitting in time out ALOT.

though not in time out here, this is Eli's time out face.
I was so concerned with how the transition was going to go for Evan, Eli and even the dog that I failed to consider my own transition. The laundry alone is insane! Bath time is interesting....bed time  is going to make me go gray. Why did I think sharing a room was a good idea for these boys? I should LOVE how much fun they have together, but after 8 pm is Mama's rest time. And Mama needs it. Needless to say, between illness from Belly bean, laundry and bedtime shenanigans, I feel as if I have aged 10 years in the past week. Heck, I am still in my jammies at 2pm today. I am THAT tired.

Shame on me, that little rant being true, I still cannot believe my good fortune. My dear Mom summed it up yesterday during our visit. "He is really amazing Beck. What a beautiful child. Simply perfect. I can't get my head around it all." I am humbled God has surely gifted me and my family with my two wonderful boys, and their oodles of laundry.


  1. It is not "shame on you!" Moms are allowed to be frazzled, especially during a time of adjustment. You KNOW you are blessed and are thankful, and that is what matters. You are a lucky momma and I am so happy for you. I love this post. Welcome to motherhood of more than one. :)

    I love that he's picking up English so well. They're such little sponges. <3

  2. I eat up every word of your updates! And, I sympathize with the laundry. The best part of this, besides the photos, is the BONK!
