All things adoption, parenting, marriage, DQ blizzards, maternity clothing as a fashion staple and other forms of humility and embarrassment. My way of avoiding dishes, laundry and adulting.
Life never goes according to plan. At least not mine! Learning to enjoy lemonade a little more every day!
I have failed to post in weeks. Yes, when I started this blog I was gung ho, posting all the time. I fear I had a shallow well of content to share and the other ideas dancing around in my head should be kept where they are. . my head. My husband gave me the nickname "turkey brain" for a reason. I hate to admit when he is right. I will try to keep this updated while in country, but for a number of reasons, I cannot promise this. I will try. I hope that will be okay.
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Our bags are packed, my head is spinning and the stress erupted on my lip. Not a happy camper about that. . but did I mention our bags are finally packed? We leave on Saturday, fly all the way across the world to discover the child that God has hand picked to join our family. As excited as I am about this. . .I am also terrified and envious of the women that seem so secure in their faith that God will work it all out. I have said the St Anthony Novena twice and I am considering starting a third. I hope St Anthony wont be offended. . ..
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This song is ALWAYS on the radio and it ALWAYS makes me cry. I think it is a perfect adoption song, at least it is for me. I try to tell myself to "settle down, it will all be clear." Sadly, I have a hard time taking myself seriously.
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With all the ups and downs of the past few years and past few weeks, how did I not notice that Fall has arrived? I took Eli out to get his haircut, he was in shorts and a sweater. . .it was cold! It is nice and toasty now, but I was really taken aback by the chill. Oh, I love the fall. . .Halloween and Thanksgiving. . the changing leave. . .the feeling of expectation in the air. I just love the fog and the need for cozy blankets and hot cider. Such a cozy time of year, if your Mom dresses you appropriately of course.
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My wonderful friend Kara is having an amazing giveaway to fund her adoption. Up for grabs? An Ipad, a Strider Balance Bike, a handmade doll and other prizes. You do NOT want to miss out on this giveaway. You could score an Ipad for only $5. . .why wouldn't you enter? Look at the sweet boy she is working to claim as her own. . .. irresistible.
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I have been so very blessed in this adoption process. Aside from Pasha being adopted domestically, this process has been smooth and blessed by angels along the way. Some of those angels outdid themselves in the past two days and miraculously got us fully funded. That is nothing short of a miracle. I had counted on scrimping and living on hot cereal and top ramen in country to keep our costs down, but these angels just simply went above and beyond. I feel like I could say thank you for years and it still not be enough. We have moved to the "Traveling Now" page.. .eekk.. .it is all really happening!
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Last Sunday I spent my day driving too and from Church. Sweating, practicing my breathing, trying not to pass out and overall trying not to appear like the big big freak that I really am. I have been told that I was successful. SCORE! I started an Adoption Mission at our Parish and spoke at EVERY. SINGLE. MASS. The last time I attempted something of this nature, I got about 2 minutes into my speech, leaned into the microphone and said "ima path out now." and then I did.
I am thrilled to report that I maintained my consciousness! That in and of itself is a victory. On top of it all, THOUSANDS of people were introduced to Reece's Rainbow and RALPH SPICCOLI. $440 was donated for Ralph and it seems some donations have been added electronically. When we get back from this trip, there will be a second collection for this dear boy. GO SPICCOLI! We are going to find you a home!
#2: I have to laugh when I hear people describe me as secure in my faith because I'm the one who put God on notice when my son was almost put on ECMO (the heart-lung machine) a year and a half ago. It's not that I'm a Pollyanna who believes that it will all work out -- I've just learned that God has a plan in mind and things work better if I let Him deal with the details.
YAY!!! It's happening, you're going! It's almost time!! Soooo happy for you!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your parish mission and yay for Spiccoli.
Thank you SO much for posting about our giveaway and our sweet boy. :)
Love youuuuu! Praying hard! Will you be in country for Halloween? That sounds SO fun!
#2: I have to laugh when I hear people describe me as secure in my faith because I'm the one who put God on notice when my son was almost put on ECMO (the heart-lung machine) a year and a half ago. It's not that I'm a Pollyanna who believes that it will all work out -- I've just learned that God has a plan in mind and things work better if I let Him deal with the details.
ReplyDelete#7: Yay for speaking and not passing out!!!!
Love your faith!