What if our reality was one of suffering, despair, neglect and hunger? What if that was all we knew? What if our condition appeared so hopeless and severe people started assuming that we simply would not survive. . and gave up on us?
Two days ago, one of the first faces I ever saw on Reece's Rainbow vanished. No one knew what had happened to Ksenia. The worst was assumed. She had been living in an adult mental institution and was not thriving. It appeared she was barely surviving. We thought that she had been unable to survive the conditions in which she was living. Thankfully, she is still alive and she still deserves a family. .. she desperately needs rescued! We are getting a second chance to advocate for her. ... I for one don't want to let this little girl down. She is available to Canadians only at this time.
This is Ksenia after being sent to the institution. |
Sweet girl before the institution. |
Ksenia K.
Date of Birth: February 2003
Gender: Female
Eyes: Gray
Hair: brown
Nature: Calm
Gender: Female
Eyes: Gray
Hair: brown
Nature: Calm
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
The transformation of this little angel is horrifying 
Available to Canadian families only at this time.
Meet Gemma. She has also been transferred to a mental institution at the tender age of 5. Can you imagine your precious children suffering such a fate. What would you do to make sure your children were loved, fed and cared for? Gemma needs to be rescued!! She needs to be tickled into smiling. . she needs to feel loved!
Girl, born in January 2007
Blue Eyes
Hair light brown
The nature of calm
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
I know people are tired of me talking about these children. . .but seriously how can I stop? How would forgetting them help? I would not sleep any easier. . .. what these children are living through is unimaginable. .. .helping is as easy as saying a prayer, clicking share. . .donating $5. It will not solve the problem for every child, but you would be amazed by what you are capable of doing. One person can make all the difference in the world to one of these children! There are 2 billion Christians worldwide, 132 million orphans. If the Church stepped up, each child could be provided for 15 times over. Change is possible. Throwing up our hands achieves nothing. Apathy is death for these sweet babies.
God Bless you. Am sharing this.
ReplyDeleteSo sad... but i need to stop being sad & do something... will share far & wide! Take care of yourself as well as the boys ;)